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Economical Kastengel Cake Recipe - Prancis Food

Info Kuliner Resep Kue Kastengel Ekonomis

Economical Kastengel Cake Recipe - Cake is like a work of art because no role in the level of difficulty to make it. At this time a good opportunity ResepOnline.Info want to convey Cake Recipe info you who are looking for additional reference. Perhaps Cake Recipe How to Make Economical Kastengel is suitable for disajiakan to your friends or relatives practiced for home

Ingredients to make cake recipe is actually not too troublesome and complicated. You can get it easily. When the cake has made ​​sure the result yahut and delicious

Kastengel Cake Recipe

One of the cookies that must be present to celebrate the feast apart always there Kastengel nastar . Pastries filled with cheese it can now be made ​​with very economical . How? Come on , follow these steps to create the following recipe .

Bahan-bahan/bumbu-bumbu :

225 grams of margarine
1 egg yolk
1/2 teaspoon chicken bouillon powder
275 grams of low protein flour
25 grams of Edam cheese , grated
50 grams of cheddar cheese , shredded

spread :

2 egg yolks


50 grams of grated cheese

Processing way :

Beat the margarine and bouillon origin about 30 seconds flat . Add egg yolks . Beat well .
Add sifted flour and mix evenly while .
Insert the cheese . Stir well .
Milled dough . Cut the rectangle . Rub the egg yolk . Sow cheese . Oven 45 minutes with a temperature of 150 degrees Celsius until cooked .
For 385 gramsHad that information about Cake Recipes Cooking Economical Kastengel that we can inform you to your home . Keep going for the cook kept up well and never give up . There will certainly continue to make way for proud family home .
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