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Some in the US Provide Campus Tanning Facilities

A number of universities in the United States teach harmful lessons about tanning. Tanning is the process of coloring the skin becomes darker or tanned using this heater is one of the causes of skin cancer.

12 percent of US colleges have a tanning bed in the campus. Nearly half of tanning facilities either on-campus or at off-campus housing. This report was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Dermatology, Wednesday (10/29/2014).

Students can pay with cash or debit card charged for tanning their parents at 14 percent of the 125 colleges. Even 96 percent of off-campus housing residents free to tanning.

Melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer, continues to rise among young people. Melanoma become the number one cancer in adults aged 25 to 29 years, said study author, Sherry Pagoto, professor of medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

"This is one of the cancers that actually sneak in this neighborhood. We do not usually think of skin cancer that is super uncommon cancer, one thing to be concerned about, especially in young children, and the reason is due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and it's real in the tanning salon," said Sherry Pagoto told NBC News.

In a previous study, Pagoto and colleagues found that young people not only once did tanning. In fact, even tanning could be addictive or addictive. "They said they were delighted tanning, to reduce their stress, relax, especially in the winter, so they do it to warm up," ujarn Pagoto.
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