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6 Easy Ways to Soften Lips

Every woman would want to look beautiful and perfect do not want to appear with chapped lips, dry, or flaky. There are several lipstick or lip gloss that contains moisturizers to reduce the problem of dry lips.

There are several ways to get soft lips. The following is quoted from Amerikanki review:

1. Choose the right lip balm
To prevent chapped lips and dry, you have to keep lips moist dab hydrated. Lips do not have oil glands. For that select the right lip balm and use every day. Choose a lip balm that contains moisturizing ingredients such as aloe and vitamin E. There is also a lip balm that contains antioxidants such as vitamins E and C.

2. Apply cream milk and butter
Apply pure unsalted butter on your lips and massage gently to moisten. Greasing cream milk can also prevent dry lips. Apply milk cream on your lips and wash off after an hour later. Try to do regularly and you will get soft lips in no time. Almond oil can also soften lips.

3. Exfoliate lips regularly
Exfoliate is exfoliating the outer layer of skin or epidermis. Exfoliation is not only good for the health of the skin, but also can soften lips. Exfoliate your lips using a bit of sea salt or sugar if chapped lips. One easy and inexpensive way to create soft lips are gently massaged using a clean toothbrush. Use olive oil to make it comfortable while massaging the lips. Do not forget to apply lip balm after exfoliating.

4. Apply a pomegranate juice
If you want to brighten a dark lip color, try to apply pomegranate juice. Do it regularly to get the result.

5. Use rose petals and orange peel
If you want pink lips, use rose petals or orange peel. Soak some rose petals in milk for an hour, make into a paste and add a few drops of glycerin and honey. Apply to the lips for 15 minutes then gently rub your lips with milk. You can also use orange peel to lighten dark lips.

6. Consumption of foods high in vitamin A and B
To get glowing and healthy skin, you must have a healthy diet. Unhealthy diet and smoking can damage the lips. Make sure that the consumption of foods rich in vitamins A and B. Try to eat more green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, nuts, and seeds. Good luck!
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