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Get Notification When IP Devices Down

If you have devices, server, cctv , etc connected to the internet using Public IP (Internet Protocol), you can monitor and get notification via SMS or email when those devices has no response, so you can determine to solve the problem quickly.

On Internet there are many providers give  notification service, one is
If you need this service you can register at address above. you can  choose paid or free service.
For free service the address is

Setting to Monitor ip address if no response/down :
• After registering complete, you can login and use the service
• Set Your time zone
After setting time zone, then go to Check Menu  (see figure)

• Choose Add New Check;postID=5341036128693756596;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=1;src=link

1. Give a name for this check
2. Choose the  interval time, on the example I choose 5 minutes;postID=5341036128693756596;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=1;src=link

3. Choose Network on  Check type
4. Choose Ping
5. Write the public IP address you want to monitor
6. Click  Test Check to test the connection, there will appear the result

7. Set Notification, give a tick on it

8. Choose the way to notify ( notify via) you can use : email, sms, twitter, iOS or Android.
9. Set/adjust the Notify When Down,
10. Set/adjust Repeat every
11. Give a tick  at the Notify When Back up, means when back to normal you also can get the notify
12. Click Create Check, to create, save and start monitoring.

Now, when the device has no response when ping by pingdom, it will send you the notification.
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