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The style of Green homes

Berbagi Info, September 28 th, 2014. Home Interior, The style of Green homes.

Recently, climate changing become the hottest issues caused by the effect of the global warming. People have greater awareness of this problem, so every human lifestyles are influenced by this case. For example, you can see that green homes become popular in this latest decade and support people to put a lot of attention for their environment.

Green homes are a little bit common now to hear, you often watch it on TV shows, become a focus on magazines or popular issues in the newspaper. Green homes are connected to the modern lifestyles which are bringing people to build Eco-friendly homes.

Talking about green homes are not only discuss the materials, but also each element that supports the green homes, such as the building constructions, the energy source, which is used in the green homes, water efficiency, resources, which is related to what the house is built for, the site of the buildings and others. Actually, you will understand about the organic materials that have been used to build and support the green homes.

Green homes often have some large windows with glasses or without glasses to support better air circulations. It reduces our dependency to the air conditioners which often be blamed as the primary factor causing global warming. Green homes can also help people protect the planet from the energy crisis caused by the lack of fuel-fossils. Do you know why? Exactly, the green homes often use the solar energy to support the electricity power in these homes. The green homes use the electricity efficiently.

The most critical of the green homes issues are the using of organic materials in origin indeed makes them renewable easily and reusable. Green homes are purposed to reduce the indoor and outdoor pollutants, to protect us from the danger of those pollutants which can trigger the cancers. So, the green homes put higher attention on health care. 



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